Representation of algebraic specification

It is important that algebraic definitions refer to a system like miscellaneous algebra. A heterogeneous algebra is a collection of different sets in which many operations are defined. Traditional algebras can be classified. A homogeneous algebra be contained in a single set and different operations; {I, +, -, *, /}. In contradiction, alphabetical strings, including integration and length operations {A, I, con, len}, are not homogeneous algebra because the length of the operation is the set of integers. Each set of algebraic symbols is in reverse called a type of algebra. To define a heterogeneous algebra, we must foremost classify the signature, the operations implicated, and their domains and columns. Using algebraic specifications, we classify the meaning of a set of interface methods by using equations. An algebraic specification is usually shows sections.

·        Exceptions section:
This section provides the names of exceptional conditions that can occur when different operations are performed. These exclusion conditions are used in the next section of an algebraic specification.
·        Syntax section:
This section refers to the signature of interface methods. The set of sets that generate the input domain of an operator and the type on which the output is made is called the operator's signature.
·       Equations section:
This section provides a set of written rules that explain the meaning of interface methods in terms of each other. In common, this section may contain conditional expressions.
