Nature of the Organizations

·         Basically, an organization is a group of people intentionally organized to
accomplish an overall, common goal or set of goals. The organizations are classified according to categories functional and structural.
·         Functional approach includes Open system organizations are those (which receive
inputs in different forms and give out comes in form of products or services). Information processing system organizations receive different information. These organizations process and act on that information. The contingency approach assumes that there is no universal answer to such questions like what type of organizations should, what type of  packaging should be used, because organizations, people, and situations vary and change over time. The ecological approach is referring to the needs of the groups and wishes of the people in the organization. It focuses on the workers or employees of the organization.
·         In a learning organization, managers don't direct as much as they facilitate the
workers' applying new information and learning from that experience. Managers ensure time to exchange feedback, to inquire and reflect about the feedback, and then to gain consensus on direction
·         The organizations according to structure include vertical and horizontal
organizations. Vertical organizations are those in which decisions are taken at the
top level and communicated in hierarchy. But in horizontal organizations communications takes place in straight rather than in a hierarchy.
·         The networks organizations include group of people and organization work
together for a joint goal but all are independent and self managed. This emerging form is based on organization members interacting with each other completely, or almost completely, via telecommunications. Members may never actually meet each other. Finally the virtual organizations are those which use modern technologies and have no fixed boundaries.
