Purposes and Functions of education

To make matters more complicated, theorists have made a distinction between the purpose of education and the functions of education.
(2)       A purpose is the fundamental goal of the process—an end to be achieved. Functions are other outcomes that may occur as a natural result of the process—byproducts or consequences of schooling.
For example, some teachers believe that the transmission of knowledge is the primary purpose of education, while the transfer of knowledge from school to the real world is something that happens naturally as a consequence of possessing that knowledge—a function of education.
Because a purpose is an expressed goal, more effort is put into attaining it. Functions are assumed to occur without directed effort. For this reason it’s valuable to figure out which outcomes you consider a fundamental purpose of education. Which of the following do you actually include in your planning.
* Acquisition of information about the past and present: includes traditional disciplines such as literature, history, science, mathematics
* Formation of healthy social and/or formal relationships among and between students, teachers, others.
* Capacity/ability to evaluate information and to predict future outcomes (decision-making)
* Capacity/ability to seek out alternative solutions and evaluate them (problem solving)
* Development of mental and physical skills: motor, thinking, communication, social, aesthetic
* Knowledge of moral practices and ethical standards acceptable by  society/culture
* Capacity/ability to recognize and evaluate different points of view
* Respect: giving and receiving recognition as human beings
* Indoctrination into the culture
* Capacity/ability to live a fulfilling life
* Capacity/ability to earn a living: career education
* Sense of well-being: mental and physical health
* Capacity/ability to be a good citizen
* Capacity/ability to think creatively
* Cultural appreciation: art, music, humanities
* Understanding of human relations and motivations
* Acquisition/clarification of values related to the physical environment
* Acquisition/clarification of personal values
* Self-realization/self-reflection: awareness of one’s abilities and goals

* Self-esteem/self-efficacy
