Recruitment Policy

The recruitment policy may embrace several issues such as the extent of promotion from within, attitudes of enterprise in recruiting old, handicapped, and minor individuals, minority group members, part-time employees and relatives of present employees. In addition, the recruitment policy may also involve the organization system to be developed for implementing the recruitment programme and procedures to be employed. Explicitly, an organizational system is a function of the size of an enterprise. In smaller enterprises, there may be merely informal recruiting procedures and the line official may be responsible to handle this function along with their usual responsibilities.
.Recruitment policy covers the following areas:
·        To prescribe the degree of emphasis. Inside the organization or outside the organization.
·        To provide the weightage that would be given to certain categories of people such as local population, physically-handicapped personnel, personnel from scheduled castes/tribes and other backward classes.
·        To prescribe whether the recruitment would be centralized or decentralized at unit levels.
·        To specify the degree of flexibility with regard to age, qualifications, compensation structure and other service conditions.
·        To prescribe the personnel who would be involved in recruitment process and the role of human resource department in this regard.
·        To specify the budget for meeting the expenditures incurred in completing the recruitment process.
According to Yoder, “the recruitment policy is concerned with quantity and  qualifications of manpower.”
·        It establishes broad guidelines for the staffing process. Generally, the following factors are involved in a recruitment policy:
·        To provide each employee with an open road and encouragement in the continuing development of his talents and skills;
·        To provide individual employees with the maximum of employment security, avoiding, frequent lay-off or lost time;
·        To avoid cliques which may develop when several members of the same household or community are employed in the organization;
·        To carefully observe the letter and spirit of the relevant public policy on hiring and, on the whole, employment relationship;
·        To assure each employee of the organization interest in his personal goals and employment objective;
·        To assure employees of fairness in all employment relationships, including promotions and transfers;
·        To provide employment in jobs which are engineered to meet the qualifications of handicapped workers and minority sections; and
·        To encourage one or more strong, effective, responsible trade unions among the employees.
Prerequisites of a Good Recruitment Policy: The recruitment policy of an organization must satisfy the following conditions:
·        It should be in conformity with its general personnel policies;
·        It should be flexible enough to meet the changing needs of an organization;
·        It should be so designed as to ensure employment opportunities for its employees on a long-term basis so that the goals of the organization should be achievable; and it should develop the potentialities of employees;
·        It should match the qualities of employees with the requirements of the work for which they are employed; and
·        It should highlight the necessity of establishing job analysis.
