Evaluation is Important to the Class-room Teachers in Directing as well as Guiding Teaching and Learning.
      Evaluation, to be of importance to teacher educators should be diagnostic, i.e., it should reveal the specific points of strength and weakness in teaching and learning.
      Evaluation also helps to assess the Validity and Reliability of Instruction. The effectiveness and success of any phase of teaching technique can be demonstrated through the nature of the results obtained.
      Evaluation reports are useful for the improvement of teaching and learning.
      It Helps Teachers to Discover the Needs of the Pupils.
      The purpose of any program of evaluation is to discover the needs of the pupils being evaluated and then to design learning experiences that will satisfy these needs.
      Evaluation Stimulates Students to Study. A good teacher creates incentives for students to learn more.
      Evaluation is Helpful in Securing Support for the School from the Government, Local or National. The people frequently complain that public schools in this country are inadequately supported.
      Evaluation reports diagnoses the Strength and Weakness of the Pupils in a Subject or Subjects.
      It will serve both as a guide to teaching and as an enlightenment to the learner.
