Concept of Socialization

Socialization is a life long, endless process where individuals are trained and integrated into the
normal operation of their organizations and groups. Only humans are biologically incapable of socialization. As biological principles to make socialization with humans are possible lack of instincts, needs social contact, the ability to learn, prolonged youth dependency and language. The researchers of socialization is the mechanism by which socialization occurs met; call the form of social learning. These include: classical and operant conditioning; obtain identification; After modeling and troubleshooting. The pattern of socialization varying society for society; There are two broad patterns of socialization; These are: repressive socialization focused on reward and punishment mechanism, with emphasis on keeping children; and participatory socialization, focusing on the participating children by focusing on child-socialization.
The purpose of socialization are: fundamental disciplines prints, aspirations and instilling discipline, allowing people with identities, teaches social responsibility and their supportive attitude, and learning skills. The main types of socialization are: primary, youth socialization; secondary, adult socialization; de-socialization and rehabilitation. Other small types: anticipatory socialization and reverse socialization. Socialization can be done at formal and informal levels; informal socialization in the hands of parents, siblings, peer group and interpersonal relationships play a very powerful role in shaping our attitudes, goals, lifestyles, knowledge and overall personality development. Other formal agent of socialization also play very important role; These include schools at different levels and the mass media, including television stands out the most powerful agents of socialization in relation to children, often with negative effects.
