
Egoism is a theory of ethics in teleology seeking for benefits, satisfaction or the greatest self-esteem alone. It represents the difference in altruism, which is not strictly self-interest, but also includes the interests of others in its purpose. Selfishness (or ethical selfishness) is the ethical view that moral actors must take on their own interests. Egoism, (from the Latin ego, "I"), to philosophy, an ethical theory which states that virtue is based on the pursuit of self interest. 
Definition of Egoism
Self-ego means; the thought can be regarded as self-ism. Egoism is a theory in ethics that people act or act in their own interests and desires. Independence is in conflict with altruism, which states that people must act in a way that helps others. Egoism is often associated with early Greek hedonists, whose purpose is to have fun and prevent disease.
 Forms of Egoism

There are at least three different ways in which the forms of egoism can be presented:

1.     Psychological Egoism
 Psychological egoism says that every person has only one main purpose: his own well-being. It creates an action that does not enlarge the self-esteem, but excludes the behavior that targets psychological egoists - such as altruistic behavior or motivation by a sense of duty alone .
Arguments against psychological selfishness include the following:
 1. We all try to maximize our own interests.
2. If a person can not do an act, he is not obligated to do that work.
 3. Altruistic actions mean that the interests of others are most of us.
 2. Ethical Egoism
Ethical egoism claims that it is necessary and sufficient that an action is ethical in order to maximize its own interests. Ethical egoism can also be used in other things than actions, such as terms or characteristics. The moral necessity or recommendation is orderly or acceptable, its compliance must be consistent with the cause. "- Honesty implies ethical egoism. Strong ethical egoism: it is always good to seek at best, and it is not right to do it. Weak ethical egoism: it is always good to look for it at its best, but it is not always wrong to do it. Types of Ethical Egoism
1. Personal ethical egoism is the belief that a person must act from the motive of self-interest.
2. Individual ethical egoism is the normative doctrine that everyone serves in my own interests.
3. Universal ethical egoism is the universal doctrine that all people should exclusively pursue their own interests.
Disputes over ethical egoism include the following:
• Ethnics is not ethical. The reason why we are ethical is because there are so many people in the world and in business who only care about themselves. The whole idea of ethics, it implies, is to draw some rules for action to save us from a harsh fact where each is just as
1.     • Egoism ignores apparent mistakes. Steal a candy from a baby - or run a crappy baby food market company - most hit us as unacceptable, but the rules order the selfishness of recommended action, as long as you're uncertain is that they serve your interests?
2.      • Psychological egoism is not true. The idea that we have no choice but our own well-being pursue above all, seen millions of times daily to be wrong; It is wrong every time a person makes an unrecognized contribution to a cause or endeavor to help others without waiting for a replacement.
3.     Rational Egoism
Rational Egoism claims that it is necessary and sufficient that an action is reasonable to maximize one's own interests. Reasonable selfishness engages in reasonable action. Powerful Egoism Reasoning: it is always reasonable to seek in its own goodness, and it is not reasonable to do so. Backward egoism: it is always reasonable to look for it at its own best, but not necessarily irrational to do so.
