It is a
combination of graphic and pictorial material designed for the orderly and
logical visualizing of relationships between key facts and ideas ex:
comparisons, relative amounts developments, processes, classification or
organization. It includes the following
These visual symbols
used for summarizing, comparing, contrasting or performing other services in
explaining subject matter. A chart is a combination of pictorial, graphic,
numerical or vertical material, which presents a clear summary.
Chart is defined as a visual aid which depicts pictorial and
written key information in systematic way to summarize, compare, ex: anatomical
charts and figure, diagrams etc.
Ø To visualize an
item, it is otherwise difficult to explain only in words.
Ø To highlight
important points.
Ø To provide outline
for materials covered in presentation.
Ø To show continuity
in process.
Ø For creating
problems and stimulating thinking.
Ø For showing
development of structure.
Types of charts:
Ø Narrative chart:
Arrangement of facts and ideas for expressing the events in the process or
development of a significant issue to its point of resolution or we can show an
improvement over a period of years.
Ø The cause and
effective chart: Arrangement of facts and ideas
for expressing the relationship between rights and
responsibilities or between a complex of conditions and change or conflict.
Ø The chain chart:
arrangement of facts and ideas for expressing transitions or cycles.
Ø The evolution
chart: facts and ideas for expressing changes in specific items from beginning
data and its projections in to future.
ØStrip tease chart: it enables speaker to present the
information step by
It increases the interest and imagination of the audience.
The information on the chart is covered with thin paper
strips to which it has been applied either by wax, tape or sticky substance or
As the speaker wishes to visually reinforce a point with
words or symbols, he removes the appropriate strip or paper. It produces
It increases learning and aids recall.
Ø Pull chart: it
consists of written messages which are hidden by strips of thick paper. The
message can be shown to the viewer, one after another by6 pulling out the
concealing strips.
Ø Flow chart:
diagrams used to show organizational elements or administrative or functional
relationships. In this chart lines, rectangles, circles, are connected by lines
showing the directional flow.
Ø Tabulation
chart: it shows the schedule of an
activity or of an individual ex: time-table of a class. These are very valuable
aid in the teaching situation where breakdown of a fact or a statement is to be
listed. Also it is a useful aid for showing points of comparison, distinction,
and contrasts between two or more things. While making the table charts the
following points must be kept in the mind.
The chart should be 50 X 75 cm or more in size.
The chart should be captioned in bold letters.
The vertical columns should be filled in short phrases
rather than complete sentences.
Ø Flip chart: a set
of charts related to specific topic have been tagged together and hang on a
supporting stand. The individual charts will carry a series of related
materials or messages in sequence. The silent points of specific topic will be
Ø Pie chart: a circle
will be drawn and divisions will be made into different sections, each section
will be coded differently and code key will be given at right corner of the
chart as legend. The circumference is divided into suitable sections. It is
relevant for showing the component part
“Flash cards are a set of pictured paper cards of varying
sizes that are flashed one by one in a logical sequence.”
‘’Flash cards can be self made or commercially prepared and
are made up of chart or drawing paper, plane paper using colors or ink on them
for drawings.’’
1. To teach the
2. To give health
3. Useful for
small group.
4. Used in group
· The messages
can be brief, simple line drawing or photographs, cartoons and the content will
be written in few lines at the back of the each card.
· 10” X 12” or
22” X 28” is commonly used size.
· 10-12 cards
for one talk can be used. It should not be less than 3 and more than 20.
· Prepare a
picture for each idea which will give visual impact to the idea.
· The height
of writing on the flash card is to be approximately 5cm for better
Using the flashcards:
class room instruction, the flash card s is to be properly used. The following
steps are used while displaying flash cards.
1. Give brief
introduction about the lesson to students.
2. Give
instructions to students about their actions while you flash the cards.
3. Flash the card
in front of the class by holding it high with both your hands so that all the
students can see it.
4. Let the
student respond as per instructions already given.
5. Review the
lesson by selectively using flash cards.
· Flash cards can
be used to introduce and present topics.
· It can be
used to apply information already gained by students to new situations
· It can be
used to review a topic.
· Can be used
for drill and practice in elementary classes
· To develop the cognitive abilities of
recognition and recall of students.
· It can work
as a useful supplementary aid and can be effectively used with other material.
· Can not be
used for a large group
· Prone to get
spoiled soon
· Preparation
is time consuming.
“Posters are the
graphic aids with short quick and typical messages with attention capturing
· To provide
general motivation.
· To create an
esthetic or atmospheric effect.
· To
communicate a more general idea. To thrust the message for leading to action.
· For the
class room and community.
Preparation and
· To do a
special job.
· To promote
one point.
· To support
local demonstration.
· Planned for
specified people
· Tell the
message at single glance.
· Use bold
· Use pleasing colors...
· It should
place, where people pass or gather.
Features of a good
· Brevity:
message should be concise
· Simplicity:
message should be easily understandable
· Idea: should
base on single idea and it should be relevant.
· Color:
suitable color and combination should be used to make the poster attractive and
eye catching.
· Display:
while displaying one should be sure to find a place where there is ad4equate
light and where the larger population will see it.
· It attracts
· It conveys
the message very quickly.
· It does not
require a detailed study.
· Good poster
leads to action with good motivation
· It can stand
alone and is self explanatory.
Poster does not always give enough information
When a poster is seen for longer time it may not attractive.
So it should be dynamic
Graphs are the
visual teaching aids for presenting statistical data and contrasting the trends
or changes of certain attributes.
Method of
· Before
making the bar chart makes a rough sketch of it in a note book.
· For drawing
the bar graph use the chart paper of 50x 72 cm size.
· Use two
different color shades for the two contrasting groups.
· The bars
should be equi-spaced.
· Write the
key to the bar graph in a box on the right hand side corner of the chart paper.
· Numbers
specifying the magnitude of the bars should be on the top on the bars.
Pie graph: These are called as circle diagram. The data are
presented thorough the sections of portions of a circle.
· In
determining the circumference of a circle we have to take in to consideration a
quantity known as pie.
· The surface
area of a circle is to cover 360 degree.
· The total
frequencies or value us equated to 360 degree and then the angles corresponding
to component parts are calculated.
· After
determining their angle, the required sectors in the circle are drawn.
Bar graph:
The graphic presentation extends the scale horizontally
along the length of bars. Each bar must be of the same width, height of the bar
over a period represents the corresponding time of the variable. Graphs are
available in 2 forms that is vertical and horizontal
Line graph:
To show the trends and relationships ex: single line shows
the relation and the variation in the quantity. Quantitative data are plotted
or when the data is continuous. The concepts are represented with the help of
lines drawn either horizontally or vertically. The plotted points are connected
to one another, instead of the base thus producing the curve.
Pictorial graph:
It is an out standing method of graphic representation.
Pictures are used for the expression of ideal; they are more attractive and
easily understood. Vivid pictures will be used to create rapid association with
the graphic message; each visual symbol may be used to indicate quantity.
A map is a graphic
aid representing the proportionately as a diagram, the surface of the earth,
world or parts there of. It conveys the message by lines, symbols, words and
Types of maps:
v Political maps:
these maps show political divisions of the world, a continent, a nation.
v Physical maps:
shows the physical contour of a place, area, and region.
v Relief maps: it
shows the actual elevations and depressions in a place, area, and region.
v Weather maps: shows
the amount of rains, temperature extremes, humidity in an area, region country.
v Population maps:
shows the distribution of population in various parts of region, country.
v Picture or tourist
maps: shows historical spots monumental sites.etc..
v Road maps: shows
the roads of a region connecting various parts and points together.
v Railway maps: shows
the railway links between various points.
v Air maps: shows the
air routes between various points.
v Sea root maps:
shows the sea routes between various sea ports
The word cartoon has various meanings, based on several very
different forms of visual art and illustration. The term has evolved over time.
The original meaning was in fine art, and there cartoon
meant a preparatory drawing for a piece of art such as a painting.
A cartoon is humorous
caricature which gives a subtle message.
In a cartoon the features of objects and people are
exaggerated along with generally recognized symbols.
· The quality
of the drawing should be high primarily for visual effectiveness.
· The symbols
used should be familiar and represent a concept or idea to which students can
react intellectually.
A cartoon can be
effectively used to initiate certain lesson.
· It can be
used for making a lesson lively and interesting.
· Fantasy
· Satire
It can furnish health messages in local languages which cancan reach to
the public easily. The information will be available in low cost, easy to read
and understand simple language .the people may learn to read and interpret the
contents along with pictures to enhance easy grasping.
ü Best method to
reach a large group
ü Pictures will help
in easy understanding
ü Attractive and easy
to understand
ü Lot of information
can be obtained in various fields
ü useful for literates only
ü detailed information cannot be produces
A comic strip is the
graphic depiction in a series of pictures or sketches of some character and
events full of action.
This medium of communication is found very interesting and
exciting by children.
· Comic strips
fire the imagination of children
· It boosts
the courage of children and builds up the spirit of adventure.
· It
communication detailed and vivid.
· It
stimulates reality and involvement.
· Comic strips misguide children by depicting
characters with supernatural powers divorced from the hard realities of life.
· Comic strips
hamper the development of language of children.
· Classics
brought out in the form of comics develop the tendency in children to ignore or
by pas s the original work.
· Comics can
soon become an obsession with young children and they tend to avoid serious
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