are pre-determined goals to which individual or group activity in an
organization is directed.
objectives of HR Department could be as below. In fact these are the objectives
of Personnel Department. You can make necessary changes to fine tune to your
1. To achieve an effective utilization of
human resources (besides resources) in the achievement of goals of Department.
2. To establish and maintain an adequate organizational
structure and a desirable working relationship among all the members of Department
by dividing of organization tasks into functions, positions, jobs and by
defining clearly the responsibility, accountability, authority for each job and
its relation with other jobs/personnel in the organisation.
3. To secure the integration of the
individuals and groups with an organisation, by reconciling individual/team
with those of an organisation in such a manner that the employees feel a sense
of involvement, commitment and loyalty towards it.
4. To generate maximum individual/team
development within Department by
offering opportunities for advancement to employees through training and job
education, or by effective transfers or by offering retraining facilities.
5. To recognize and satisfy individual needs
and group goals by offering an adequate and equitable remuneration, economic
and social security in the form of monetary compensation, and protection
against such hazard of life as illness, old age, disability, death,
unemployment, etc. so that the employees may work willingly and co-operate to
achieve goals of Department.
6. To maintain a high morale and better human
relations inside Department by sustaining and improving the conditions which
have been established so that employees may stick to their jobs for a longer
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any suggestion on my side