There are
four possibilities, each much less likely than true shyness. In close cases, a expert's opinion might be
useful. The four problems that might
look like shyness are:
Unidentified deafness.
Consider this possibility if the student does not respond in any way to
loud noises or someone calling her name behind her. A teacher calling, “Lisa, stop!” behind Lisa
while Lisa is walking will bring a behavioral response in a shy child but not a
deaf one.
Undiagnosed autism.
Consider this possibility if the student shows bizarre behavior such as
hand flapping or repeating some other movement again and again, has frequent
tantrums, or often makes unintelligible sounds. In general, shy children act
normal other than when they are in specific social situations.
Undiagnosed depression.
Consider this possibility if the
parents, when asked, say that the student usually acts or looks depressed or
distressed at home. Shy students usually
look and act happy and confident at home.
Unidentified speech delay.
Consider this possibility if the students
try to speak and joins the other children in activities and volunteers and
lines up as fast as the others. Shy students
speak normally at home, so if the parents, when asked, say that the child does
not speak clearly at home, the problem is more likely speech delay than
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any suggestion on my side