Types of Observation in Educational Psychology

Students you have just seen what is observation and how it is conducted. Do you know there are different ways in which observation can be done, so let us see the different types of observation?
1.     Natural Observation:
In natural observation we observe the specific behavioural characteristics of children in natural setting. Subject do not become conscious of the fact that their behaviour is being observed by someone.
2.     Participant – Observation:
 Here the observer becomes the part of the group, which he wants to observe. It discloses the minute and hidden facts.
3.     Non-Participant Observation:
Here the observer observes in such a position, which is least disturbing to the subject under study, the specific behaviour is observed in natural setting without subjects geting conscious that they are observed by some one. Non-participant observation permits the use of recording instruments.
4.     Structure Observation:
Here the observer in relevance sets up a form and categories in terms of which he wishes to analyse the problem. The observer always keeps in view :
a] A frame of reference
b] Time units.
 c] Limits of an act
5.     Unstructured Observation:

This is also called as uncontrolled or free observation. It is mainly associated with participant observation in which the observer assumes the role of a member of the group to be observed. Here the individual is observed when he is in his class, playground or when he is moving about with his friends and class follows without knowing that he is being observed.
