Nature of Human Resource Management

HRM is a management function that helps manager’s to recruit, select, train and develop members for an organization. HRM is concerned with people’s dimension in organizations.
The following constitute the core of HRM
1. HRM Involves the Application of Management Functions and Principles. The functions and principles are applied to acquiring, developing, maintaining and providing remuneration to employees in organization.
2. Decision Relating to Employees must be Integrated. Decisions on different aspects of employees must be consistent with other human resource (HR) decisions.
3. Decisions Made Influence the Effectiveness of an Organization. Effectiveness of an organization will result in betterment of services to customers in the form of high quality products supplied at reasonable costs.
4. HRM Functions are not Confined to Business Establishments Only but applicable to non business organizations such as education, health care, recreation and like.
HRM refers to a set of programmes, functions and activities designed and carried out in order to maximize both employee as well as organizational effectiveness.


  1. Thanks for sharing this info. I found this info very informative as i am doing my PGDM in HR and doing this from distance learning center in Pune. keep sharing this type
    of great info.

  2. The nature of HRM (Human Resource Management) refers to the scope and functions of the HR department within an organization. HRM is concerned with managing the organization's human resources, including recruiting, training, compensating, and developing employees. It involves developing policies and strategies that ensure the organization's goals are met while maintaining a positive work environment for employees. Payroll Software India The nature of HRM is dynamic, as it is influenced by internal and external factors such as changes in technology, workforce demographics, and legal requirements. The goal of HRM is to maximize employee productivity and organizational effectiveness while maintaining a high level of employee satisfaction.

  3. Interesting read on the nature of Human Resource Management! Your analysis of its functions and importance in organizations is insightful. It's crucial for businesses to understand HR's role in employee development. Thank you!


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