Peer Appraisal: when students rate their
peers, using the same criterion as the teacher.
Two Techniques Used in Peer Appraisal
1. Guess-Who
Technique: each student is presented with a series of brief behavior
descriptions and asked to name those students who best fit each description.
The description is limited to either positive or negative characteristic.
Sociometric Technique: a method for assessing
the social acceptance of individual students and the structure of a group.
for Sociometric Choosing:
The choices should be real choices that
are natural parts of classroom activities.
The basis for choice and the restriction
on the choosing should be made clear.
All students should equally free to
participate in the activity or situation.
D. The choices each student makes should be kept
E. The choices should be actually used to organize
or rearranges groups.
Sociogram: a way of organizing
sociomertic data which can help the teacher organize a classroom group.
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any suggestion on my side