Effects of Communication

This is, perhaps, the most controversial aspect of communication. No other aspect of communication has provoked much controversy, generated much interest and aroused much feeling as the "Effects" of communication. Effects bother on: What communication does to those who engage in it, what it brings about in them and of course what those who engage in communication do with it. Effects can be looked at also from various angles. It can be seen from the point of view of affecting:
1. An Object:
Knowledge is one such object that communication can have effect on. This is because through communication the body of knowledge one has within him increases. This increase in knowledge store subsequently affects the individual’s attitudes, beliefs, dispositions and behaviours (these are all objects). The effect of communication on these objects leads to change in behaviour. This change in behaviour could be positive (as in an enhanced personality) or negative (as in the case of cultural alienation).
2. Level:                                                    
The level at which communication takes places determines the kind or scope of effect that communication will have. Hence the effect of communication routed through my students who are reputable pressmen to the head of state will be more significant and plausible than that effect of some communication I engaged in with the Chairman of my Local Government Area. Effects of communication can therefore be on local, communal, state, regional, national and global levels. The concert Steve Wonders and other notable musicians performed some years ago (to improve the conditions of the less - privileged in the world) had a very global effect. Many people came from various parts of the world to attend the show and by so doing, contributed a lot to the course of that programme.
3. Duration
The effect of communication can be:
i. Transient
This type of effect is short-lived or can be said to be consumatory. A good example of this is the type of effect the advert messages, sales-bonanzas; promotional strategies have on the buyers. This type of effect is very ephemeral and often fizzles out as soon as these promotional tools (strategies) are withdrawn. It is the kind of effects we get from information for immediate use.
ii. Permanent
This is the long-time effect of communication on people. It is instrumental effect of communication which culminates in attitudinal and behavioural changes. This in turn creates permanent change in the individual. The lectures given to students, for instance, inculcate in them, stills that will make them professionals in their different fields of study. This is long time effect of the messages of communication on the totality of their persons.
iii. Immediate, Delayed or Intermittent
The immediate effect of communication is that which shows the audience or receiver of a message of communication responding instantly to the stimulus received. A good example is the reaction of the "Area boys" in Lagos immediately the death of Late Bashorun Abiola was confirmed on the Network news.
The effect of communication is said to be delayed when the message of communication does not spur an immediate reaction on the receivers of the message. If a person is suddenly and tactlessly informed that he has lost a deal' one through a fatal motor accident. the person may not show any serious abnormal behaviour. If five days later the person starts behaving abnormally and talking out of tune, then it means the person is exhibiting a delayed effect of the communication message passed on to him five days earlier on.
