evaluation of a research report is a valuable exercise for the student of
educational research. Using a pattern such as the one suggested, the critical
analysis of the many aspects of another researcher’s report helps the student
to develop competency in his own research and reporting skills. The evaluation
aspect is much more useful even to a guide or supervisor for instructing his
research scholars in preparing a research report.
following questions are suggested relating to the various aspects of research
report as a possible structure for the analysis:
1. The Title
Is it clear and concise?
Does it promise no more than the study can provide?
2. The Problem
Is it clearly stated?
Is it properly delimited?
Is its significance recognized?
Are specific questions raised and hypotheses are clearly stated?
Are the assumptions and limitations stated?
Are important terms defined?
3. Review of Related Literature
Is it adequately covered?
Are important findings-noted?
Is it well organized?
Is an effective summary provided?
Is the researcher commented adequately? Has he justified that his study is
related to the studies and has the deviations from earlier studies.
4. Methodology used
for conducting the study:
Is the research design described in detail ?
Is the method adequate?
Is the population defined properly?
Is the sample described?
Are the relevant variables recognized?
(f) Are appropriate controls provided?
Are data collecting tools appropriate?
Are validity and reliability established?
Is the statistical treatment appropriate?
5. Data Analysis
Is appropriate use made of tables and figures?
Is the textual discussion clear and concise?
Is the analysis of data relationships logical and perceptive?
Is the statistical analysis accurately interpreted?
6. Conclusions and Suggestions
Are the results discussed at length adequately?
Are the inferences stated appropriately?
Are the limitations of the findings enumerated clearly
Are the applications of the findings suggested adequately?
Are some suggestions for further studies proposed appropriately?
from these aspects of research report, its literary presentation should be
worth for publications. There should be minimum or no typing errors. The
researcher should have the confidence aware of the limitations of his study.
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