Structural functionalists believe that society leans towards equilibrium and
social order. They see society like a human body, in which each part plays a
role and all are dependent on each other for survival. Institutions such as
education are like important organs that keep the society/body healthy and
well. Social health means the same as social order, and is guaranteed when
nearly everyone accepts the general moral values of their society.
Structural functionalists believe the aim of key institutions, such as
education, is to socialize children and teenagers.
Socialization is the process by which the new generation learns the
knowledge, attitudes and values that they will need as productive citizens.
Although this aim is stated in the formal curriculum, it is mainly
achieved through "the hidden curriculum", a subtler, but
nonetheless powerful, indoctrination of the norms and values of the wider
Students learn these values because their behaviour at school is
regulated until they gradually internalize and accept them.
Education must, however perform another function. As various jobs
become vacant, they must be filled with the appropriate people. Therefore the
other purpose of education is to sort and rank individuals for placement in
the labour market
Those with high achievement will be trained for the most important jobs
and in reward, be given the highest incomes. Those who achieve the least, will
be given the least demanding (intellectually at any rate, if not physically)
jobs, and hence the least income.
Drawback of structural
According to Sennet and Cobb, ―to believe that ability alone decides
who is rewarded is to be deceived‖.
Meighan agrees, stating that large numbers of capable students from
working class backgrounds fail to achieve satisfactory standards in school and
therefore fail to obtain the status they deserve.
Jacob believes this is because the middle class cultural experiences
that are provided at school may be contrary to the experiences working-class
children receive at home.
In other words, working class children are not adequately prepared to
cope at school. They are therefore ―cooled out‖ from school with the least
qualifications, hence they get the least desirable jobs, and so remain working
Sargent confirms this cycle, arguing that schooling supports
continuity, which in turn supports social order.
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any suggestion on my side