of Emotions
Cognitive science
has some natural language classes that should characterize inherited
approximately cherished collection of symptoms. The categories include
intelligence, information, development. In the same way, at least until
sometime in the 20th century, the traditional view is that emotions are a
unitary phenomenon, and that the only question to be resolved is theoretically
account only best explains the phenomenon.
Until the 19th
century, the dominant faith based on the idea that most emotions some sequence
of physical or visceral excitement and cognitive or belief-state position that
goes back to Aristotle and revived some new life by the century, especially
Descartes. Aristotle saw emotions as a combination of cognitive functions and
sensual, very much in a modern form, defined in terms of emotional beliefs
(cognitions) that causes it. Descartes saw something a little more
complicatedly, with the soul of man fixing of both cognitive and physical
sensual response. The main impetus for renewed interest now in that position is
derived from the work of Stanley Schachter The traditional approach is
primarily concerned with factors, events and variables that the emotions that
are included in the native language under the title the generation of
'emotions. "There has been relatively little scientific or
quasi-scientific interest on the condition that the state merge emotionally
yield or magnet. Although there are always some interest in conditions that are
responsible for specific emotions such as fear or anger, it was not until the
end of the 19th century that an attempt is made to describe the overall
condition antecedent responsible for collecting the phenomena called emotions.
Again, the main thrust the belief in a unitary phenomenon, explained by a
single set of principles. the most important concept in the service is the idea
that the conflict produced emotional responses. among the early theorists conflict
French philosopher F. Paulhan (1887) and the American philosopher /
psychologist John Dewey (1894), referring to the conflict and the tensions
arising from the lack of available responses and reactions. Sigmund Freud
presented the basic theory of emotional conflict. He attributed most emotional
phenomena (especially anxiety) in the conflict between primitive drives, social
constraints, and reality demands (Id, Ego and Super-Ego).
The only display of
emotion might very well be holding sway, perhaps in combination with approaches
conflict. Major changes in the middle of the 20th century dealt with new
methods, new data, and the input of various relevant areas of knowledge, but
not radically different views of the psychology of emotion. But even a cursory
examination of our contemporary technical and popular literature shows that
"emotion" is not a term instant approval order relating to its domain
of definition. The question is how one emotion to investigate, and in
particular if a single strategy possibly do justice to the different meanings
and functions that have built up under the umbrella concept.
What is Emotions?
What is Emotions?
The question that William James made a hundred years ago, on the one hand,
the beneficial effect of encouraging the study of whatever-it-is, and, on the
other hand, do a search for in an answer to a pseudo if invited by a confusion
between "a semantic or metaphysical questions with a scientific one."
as we know and as I hope to show people give different answer to the question
in a different way, as befits a good umbrella term used in natural language.
Everyone loves to empty "emotions" quirky.
William James, more than anyone, established tradition of extracting
common-sense ideas about emotions, but in the process he misled several
generations of psychologists believe that her "What is the emotions?"
Gave a clear answer. Remember, though, that James was particularly interested
in the relationship between emotional emotions and body expression. He
criticized the received knowledge today emotions described as a "spiritual
love," which "gives rise to the expression of the body." He
noted that the common experience suggests instead that our perception of the
physical changes "following interesting fact," the perception of
others emotion. He argued that if all the emotions of physical symptoms are
abstracted from the felt emotion that would continue all would be a "cold
and neutral state of intellectual perception" .In description James noted,
interracial, that it would be impossible to think of a emotions of fear as
"the emotions is not accelerated heartbeats or shallow breathing, neither
of trembling lips nor weakened limbs, neither of goose bumps or a visceral
anxiety is present"
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