When we think of deviance, its
dysfunctions are likely to come to mind. Most of us are upset by deviance, especially crime, and assume that society
would be better off without it. Surprisingly for Durkheim there is nothing abnormal about deviance; in fact it
contributes to the functioning of the society in four ways:
1. Deviance
affirms cultural values and norms.
Living demands that we make moral
choices. To prevent our culture from dissolving into chaos, people must show
preference for some attitudes and behaviors over others. But any conception of
virtue rests upon an opposing notion of vice. And just as there can be no good
without evil, there can be no justice without crime. Deviance is indispensable
to creating and sustaining morality.
2. Deviance
clarifies moral boundaries and affirms norms.
A group's ideas about how people
should act and think mark its moral boundaries. Deviance challenges those boundaries.
To call a deviant member to explain, say in effect, " you broke a valuable
rule, and we cannot tolerate that,"
affirms the group's norms and clarifies the distinction between conforming and
deviating behavior. To deal with deviants is to assert what it means to a
member of the group. For example there is a line between academic honesty and
cheating by punishing students who do so.
3. Deviance
promotes social unity.
To affirm the group's moral
boundaries by reacting to deviants, deviance develops a "we" feeling
among the group's members. In saying "you can't get by with that,"
the group collectively affirms the rightness of its own ways.
4. Deviance
promotes social change.
Deviant people push a society's
moral boundaries, pointing out alternatives to the status quo and
encouraging change. Groups always
do not agree on what to do with people who push beyond their acceptable ways of
doing things. Some group members even
approve the rule-breaking behavior. Boundary violations that gain enough
support become new, acceptable behavior. Thus deviance may force a group to
rethink and redefine its moral boundaries, helping groups and whole societies,
to change their customary ways. Today's
deviance can become tomorrow's morality.
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