In general, there are about seven
steps in making a sociological study. These measures are usually sociology
alone. It should also be noted that these steps are not developed before. Some
of these steps may not necessarily be followed in a number of research
projects. He steps not be placed in the correct order.
1. Identification of Research Problem
The first step in doing
sociological research (for that matter, another study) is to produce a problem.
Identification of research problem basically involves choosing a topic of
research. The roads and ways in which researchers identify a problem and choose
a topic depends on different factors. The research interest of sociologists,
often caused by their own experiences and observations (Howard and
Dunaif-Hattis, 1992). The initial ideas for research may therefore at any time
and place for a researcher. Walking down the street, reading newspapers,
watching television, etc. can indicate a research subject for observation and
curious person (Mann, 1976).
Once a research topic comes to
our mind, we have the following questions:
• Is it researchable?
• Is the sociological / socially
• What's new about it?
• What is the fill that gap?
• Is it manageable in terms of
time, money, expertise and other resources? In other words, you have the
necessary resources to do the research?
If you can adequately answer
these and other related questions, then you are on the right track to conduct
an investigation.
2. Literature Review
This step is familiar or orient
themselves with the concepts, theories and done about the subject work
recognized. Relevant literature on the subject should be chosen assessed; We
also need to examine what works already done by others, some gaps remain, some
questions remain unanswered, and more
Research work is progressing
normally by reviewing previous work on a particular research problem is
identified. The researcher will have to work past that his question is to
review the increase (Dooley, 1995). The traditional dominant source for
literature became libraries and documentation centers where books and various
reference findings recorded way. Today most libraries maintain a computerized
database, to which reference has been made available online through electronic
means. Literature search has become easier, for computerization of library
resources; they can easily access the Internet connection is available (Rosnow
and Rosenthal, 1996)
Literature search is necessitated
by the fact that a researcher is probably not the first person to build
interest in a particular issue; and so he should get some time to spend in the
library go some theories and methods others have used the subject in the past
and what the findings are (Macionis, 1997). According to Marshall and Rossman
(1989: 35), the review of the literature the following four objectives:
First, it shows the underlying
assumption behind the general question .... Second, it shows that researchers
are thoroughly informed about relevant research and intellectual traditions
that surround and support the study. Third, it shows that the researcher some
gaps in previous research which has identified the proposed study will fill a
demonstrated need. And finally, the revision refines and redefines the research
and related assumptions carefully by embedding these questions in greater
empirical tradition.
3. Hypothesis Formulation
Hypothesis is a statement that
can be proved to be correct or incorrect. Hypothesis formulation involves
identifying the main purpose of research and identifying research. It must be
tested empirically. We set some guiding assumptions of the investigation at
this stage. We ask some basic questions. However, we note that it may not
always be the case. This type of screening can determine whether the hypothesis
is necessary or not. For example, exploratory learning theory may not be
4. Selection and designing methods of data collection
Here, the researcher defines data
collection methods and preparing data collection instrument. He / she chooses
from various methods of data collection. There are basically two types of
methods: quantitative methods and qualitative methods. Quantitative methods
focused on measuring the amount of information, terms such as prevalence,
magnitude, rate, frequency, magnitude, etc. are very important. On the other
hand, qualitative methods aimed depth and quality of data. The complex,
detailed and sensitive issues; beliefs, attitudes and knowledge dimensions etc
are usually studied by qualitative methods.
5. Making data Gathering Activities
This is the step that researchers
engaged in collecting the data required by different methods and tools. The
researcher goes into the field and collect data. He / she has been training
data collectors, monitors the overall collection of data, and so on.
Primary and secondary data, the
data thus collected can be of two types. Primary data from the first hand and
the original information; The researcher collects them firsthand. These are
collected by sociology during their own research using research tools such
experiments, research, questionnaires, interviews and observation (Chapman,
2000). On the other hand, secondary data collected by a person such documents
or records in a different way with different resources. These include: official
statistical documents, media sources (such as electronic media - radio,
television, movies, etc., and print media such as newspapers, magazines,
posters, brochures, flyers, to Sign maids, etc.)
Longitudinal study in the same sort of people for a long period of time, sometimes
as long as 20 to 30 years. This type gives us a moving picture of changes over
time in a given area. The third type is called a panel survey alternative versions of longitudinal surveys. It
usually takes a shorter time and ask questions of the panellists on a frequent
basis. A panellist can ask that question every month for a few years, while in
longitudinal research, people often ask once a year (Moore, 2001).
Traditionally, research
methodology considered the domain of disciplines such as sociology, psychology,
political science and economics, which often works primarily on large, complex
and densely populated communities, unlike the anthropologist traditionally in
small communities.
Experiment: The quantitative methods are sometimes used in sociology.
Sociologists conduct experimental studies, in accordance with the procedures
and principles of the experiment. This is usually done to discover cause and
effect relationship between one and the other social phenomena. What causes
what? What is the effect of a social phenomenon on the other side?
Key Informant Interview: This is a qualitative method where a knowledgeable person
in the study site or call the community and interviewed by a researcher or data
collector. Interview Questions session can be prepared in advance or sometimes
just guiding theme is prepared for the session. This method is similar to the
in-depth interview; an individual will be contacted and interviewed in most
cases simultaneously. Finally, the researcher / interviewer delve into issues
(Macionis, 1997).
Focus Group Discussion: This is a form of qualitative methods of collecting data
that would use the explicit relationship dynamics between group members, which
can provide valuable information on specific subjects. This qualitative method
of data collection is so popular in particular, in recent decades; it is most
used by researcher’s transversal areas such as public health, anthropology and
other behavioral science discipline.
Case Study: This method involves researching a particular issue as a case
takes more time and investigates the phenomenon in depth. A case study is about
an individual, a social group, a family or an organization. The selected cases
are considered representative of a group or wider context in which it is
derived. This method may involve elements of both quantitative and qualitative
Observation: This qualitative technique involves collecting data on social
phenomena through careful observation of social processes, events, activities,
behaviors, actions, etc. they take place . All the relevant events, actions,
places, things, and others should be observed and recorded (Marshall and
Rossman, 1989). One of the most important techniques in these methods,
participant observation, life active participation in the community while
studying. The researcher is participating in a research institution with regard
to what happens in setting (Henslin and Nelson, 1995). A variant of this
process is non-participatory observation - collect data, without participation
in the Forum, informants or subjects.
Unobtrusive Measures: Most of the
researches methods are intrusive, meaning that the data is collected, while
action behavior the subject 'was noticed immediately, and they know they are
investigating. To the risk of interference action research on the subject of
study and thereby avoiding the influence of research, sociologists have
developed what is called non-intrusive measures. When an investigator takes
unobtrusive measures, human behavior has been observed as they are not aware
Here, this method is an approach
that does not interfere with the study of objects or events. Sociologist study
of many social phenomena using methods such as how people behave in the public
arena, the way people wear and decorate themselves, the way they sit or stand
in relation to others , etc. (Rosenberg, et al, 1987).
6. Data Organization, analysis, interpretation, and report writing
The most difficult task is how to
manage, process, store and gently controlling the raw data as possible. Data
may be lost if not properly treated. The researcher here safely stores the data
it manages, organizes and controls systematically.
Different methods of data
analysis are both qualitative and quantitative methods (Henslin and Nelson,
1995). For quantitative data the researchers used advanced statistical
techniques using computer models. Plans for data analysis is often even before
the data is collected (Mann, 1976).
Analysis of qualitative data
actually starts, while researchers in the field of recording his / her field
note, tape recording and transcribing interviews. Tape recording and
transcription of the interview process is the essential element analysis (Jones
1995). Data analysis, the researchers studied must distinguish between his own
views and the views of the people (and Scupin Decorse, 1995). There are many
possible analytical schedules and some computer models for analyzing
qualitative data is also available. After the data to a computer for easy
processing, tabulation and analysis is introduced, the researcher interprets
the data and writes the findings. The hypotheses to be tested comparison is
made with similar types of studies have been performed elsewhere, or done
before, to draw conclusions and recommendations are made, depending on the type
of examination, such as basic or applied.
7. A dispersion of research
This is the last step that
researchers share findings with relevant bodies. Disseminating research finding
through the scientific journals, seminars, symposia, conferences and other
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