various factors that promote or impede social change can generally be
classified as socio-cultural, psychosocial, economic, natural, demographic,
political, and so on. Natural factors can alter the climate, the discovery of
natural resources such as minerals, oil, etc. are included, are those which are
regarded as having a positive impact on society. Other natural factors include
natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, famine, drought, pestilence, and
others. The emergence of the HIV / AIDS plague as for example having a major
impact on the arrangement and organization of society.
factors, migration, urbanization, population growth, etc., It is also important
to the development of socio-cultural change. Political factors such as the
proposed government changes, change of state ideology, etc., are also
important. Other factors, such as war, scientific invention and discovery,
dissemination of intangible and tangible elements of culture through education
and trade relations, and others, also promotes social change.
but not least, psychosocial factors, such as beliefs, vested interests, sacred
values, attitudes, resistance to change and accept or entertain new things and
wants to maintain the status quo is also very important force.
I think sacred values and attitudes play a very important role in this. But nothing will change until and unless people change themselves first. I really hope they do.