The organized social relations of human social processes that take place. Social processes are repeated types of actions, patterns of social behavior. Social processes are manifested through various modes such as competition, conflict, cooperation, accommodation and assimilation. These processes take place on a continuous basis in the micro and macro levels. The mode of social processes are connected to each other, and each one can give one, and they'll place in a cyclic manner.
Social stratification, social mobility and social change are the three important aspects of the social process.
Social stratification refers to the division of society into different social strata involved inequalities and differences in lifestyles and living standards of the people. They refer to the power imbalance and unequal distribution of resources among the people. The term was originally used stratification in geology to differentiate one type from another rock. In the same way, ie, the whole society is segmented. There are two forms of social stratification. They are social class and caste system. The former refers to a category of people who belong to the same stratum- with more or less similar socioeconomic criteria. The latter is a closed rigid type of social stratification. The position or rank of the individual or group in the stratum defined by age-old, traditional, religious values, norms and principles, which are strong and hard to change.
Social stratification refers to the division of society into different social strata involved inequalities and differences in lifestyles and living standards of the people. They refer to the power imbalance and unequal distribution of resources among the people. The term was originally used stratification in geology to differentiate one type from another rock. In the same way, ie, the whole society is segmented. There are two forms of social stratification. They are social class and caste system. The former refers to a category of people who belong to the same stratum- with more or less similar socioeconomic criteria. The latter is a closed rigid type of social stratification. The position or rank of the individual or group in the stratum defined by age-old, traditional, religious values, norms and principles, which are strong and hard to change.
Social mobility refers to the movement of individuals and groups in the social space. Physical mobility has no social mobility, but can contribute to social mobility. Social mobility can be vertical or horizontal, and the intergenerational or intergenerational.
The other aspects of the social process of social change. The study of social change has been a major concern in the discipline of sociology. Sociologists are particularly interested in this dynamic aspect of the social system. Social change refers to major (significant) changes in the organization and the establishment of a population (society). A change that is limited to individuals or certain groups, families, etc., is not a social change, though it is important. We can not separate the social and cultural change, because they depend on each other; Social change may require cultural change, and vice versa.
There are many theoretical explanations of social change. The structural-functionalist theory focuses on the social order, stability and consensus. It claims that social change occurs as a result of development, the complexity of the social structure and as a result of the growth of social differentiation. Modernization theory focused on the idea of modernization / upgrade will increase the ability to control the environment. According to this theory, change in Third World societies busy when they emulate advanced western societies in several respects. The conflict school of thought against a school of structural functionalism.
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