Methods of Social Learning

Sociologists described four forms of social learning. These are: air conditioning, get identification, then modeling and problem solving.

 Air conditioning:Learning is based on the principle of association. Conditioning refers to the pattern generated in response to an organism as a result of environmental stimuli. There is called classical conditioning in which the reaction is kept constant while varying stimulus, such as Pavilovian experiment. In contrast, the operant conditioning or instrumental, response is checked. The term "operand" means a behavior guided by expected results. . Thus, operant conditioning keeps the "creation of integrated responses result of systematic reinforcement Conditioning is important socialization learning through classical conditioning the child to respond to various social and man-made stimuli and operant conditioning, they learn brake specific reactions and approve as usual.
 Getting Identity: Studies show that children begin to distinguish themselves and others by sex and learn to behave in gender-normative form of society in which they share. This occurs by the age of five. Researchers at the socialization of the opinion that sex-typed behavior occurs through operant conditioning. However, this is not conditioning alone account for sex differences in behavior, even people who take their identity of masculinity and femininity through approval and approval, as well as reward and punishment. If their linguistic and cognitive skills gradually develop the children begin to learn that they are called male or female, accepting what others label, observational studies, and say what the men and girls and to act accordingly.
 After modeling: Children learn to model their behavior after a man who is admired, loved or feared figure. This is considered a normal stage personality formation and development of personal independence and social participation. By modeling after one man, our behavior gets meaning and coherence.
 Problem Solving: The above three mechanisms of social learning the ways individuals internalize the values ​​and norms of society. They can be referred to as a form of internalization. However, social studies transcends beyond internalizing values. It also includes participation in cooperative learning activities and conflict-ridden deal with the new situation and to achieve your goals. Problem-solving process of social learning is especially important in societies where the complexity and fluidity dominate the social world. Solving the problem is not interpreted as sorts solve mathematical puzzles, but it is applied to problematic social situations where people are uncomfortable and have a context-based response.
 While a state of social learning is important, it should be noted that each has its own limitations. No form of social learning is thus fully responsible for socialization.
