Geographically Pakistan enjoys a unique position. She has common or
neighboring boundaries with two world powers: China and the USSR. In the west,
Pakistan has common borders with Afghanistan and Iran. They belong to a long
chain of Muslim countries which crosses over from Asia into Africa. These
countries with their predominantly Muslim populations, attach great importance
to their relationship with Pakistan. India lies on Pakistan's eastern border.
It is a vast country and to its east is another chain of Muslim countries (BanglaDesh,
Malaysia and Indonesia). This has placed Pakistan in an important geographical
and political situation.
No country at the present time can afford to exist in isolation.
From its very inception Pakistan has tried to maintain a friendly relation with
her neighbors. Among her neighbors Afghanistan and India with whom she has
seldom enjoyed agreeable or consistently friendly relations. The attitude of
Afghan rulers towards Pakistan has mostly been unfriendly. When Pakistan
applied for U.N. membership in 1947, Afghanistan was the only country which
opposed this application. A few years ago, a visible change had occurred in her
attitude when Sardar Dawood had headed the Afghanistan Government. Sardar
Dawood visited Pakistan but before relations could improve, his Government was
troppled in 1978. Thereafter two other governments fell, and Barbak Karma' came
to power.
What then happened, the Russian armed forces literally walked into
Afghanistan. Pakistan's stand is quite clear; she wants to establish friendly
relations with Afghanistan and desires to settle all the disputes peacefully.
It is a bitter truth that India has not so far accepted Pakistan
from the core of her heart. They created problems for the newly born state from
the very first day of its creation. Since beginning India wanted to dismember
Pakistan. They left no stone unturned to shatter its economy .Owing to these
facts, relations between the two countries have seldom been cordial. They waged
war on Pakistan on three occasions. They conspired against us, staged a war and
forced a surrender of East Pakistan in 1971. The Kashmir dispute could not be
settled as yet due to the adamant attitude of India. On the other hand,
Pakistan always wanted to settle all the outstanding issues by Peaceful means.
Pakistan has enjoyed cordial relations with Iran since her
independence. The two countries are partners in the Regional Co-operation for
Development (R.C.D.) which has strengthened their relations still further. The
third member of the R.C.D. is Turkey.
Pakistan has common frontiers with China on their northern borders.
Abundant goodwill exists in Pakistan for China and they considered a reliable
and trustworthy friend. The Chinese also share the same feelings. Our relations
with U.S.S.R. have improved considerable. Pakistan views with appreciation the
assistance provided by the U.S.S.R., and the efforts made by her to explore oil
and set up the steel Mill at Karachi.
Pakistan is a peace loving nation. Its policy is to promote peace and
friendship among nations. Pakistan has no aggressive intentions against any
country. It wants to maintain peaceful atmosphere.
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any suggestion on my side