Advantages of Primary data

Some of the advantages of collecting basic data are: 
·         The primary data is original and relevant to the research topic, so that the accuracy level is very high. 
·         Primary data can be collected in various ways, such as interviews, telephone surveys, focus groups, and so on.
·          It can also be collected via e-mails and messages across national borders.
·         It can include a large population and extensive geographical coverage.
·         In addition, the primary data is up-to-date and it is perhaps better to give the researcher a realistic perspective on the subject to be taken into account.
·         The reliability of the primary data is very high because they are collected by an alarming and reliable party.
·         It can provide more flexibility and control over choosing your subjects. you can collect data based on your research methods, scope of projects and project goals.
·         In this type of data you can monitor data quality problems.
