Educational effectiveness

The term 'effectiveness' refers to an organization that realizes its specific goals. Educational effectiveness is related to whether a particular set of tools has a positive effect on performance and, therefore, how much effect it has. 'Effectiveness is measured based on the evaluation marks after the implementation and the retention test score. Maintenance Test is a test to deferred benefits Total and objectively the results are used to test effectiveness. The effectiveness of education strictly focused on behavioral factors, but the ideas behind these factors can be is crucial to both the educational effectiveness of the process of differentiating existing ideas and methods in dimensions that are considered essential.
The origin of the effectiveness of education stems from responses to equal opportunities for job opportunities. The effectiveness of the research adds value education to the initial characteristics of the students. Effectiveness refers to study goals that demonstrate that education is effective in learning effects, also taking into account the unexpected results of education such as those. Results of the hidden curriculum on the one hand and on the other hand are distinguished from the concept of excellence in education that deals with the relationship between the effects of education and the input of education, usually in terms of finance. With regard to the effectiveness of education, we must take into account the background of the student and the initial characteristics of the student in relation to specific purposes that are under study. It requires measurement skills such as intelligence and motivation, as well as the first functions related to learning objectives, such as mathematical performance, reading, etc. The effectiveness of education provides and requires a holistic theory of education, dealing with inputs, processes, contexts and educational products. The first question relates to results, educational results. This includes the standard for the effectiveness of education. From a technical point of view, the problems in the part of the criterion can be solved, but theoretically there are some problems related to the norms themselves on the imaginary side. In the past, most of the educational effectiveness used academic results as the only standard. This criterion option is criticized and once the plea for many criteria for effectiveness is made. Although we follow that line of thought, we must keep in mind that there are always arguments against the use of many results. Even when the effects of effective school on education are very small, they can be very important with regard to individual student races.
 Educational effectiveness is not trying to invent new ideas or programs, but to focus on understanding the lessons drawn from existing practices. , It tries to establish theories and tests to explain why and how some schools and teachers are more effective than others. Most of the research is naturalistic in nature and gives us information about the validity of the theoretical concepts, but there are some experimental studies conducted to help us identify the cause and effect of the relationship. None of these approaches provide enough evidence to prove the theory of effectiveness, since studies that have become weak in their ecological validity and data dissimilar from studies have emerged.
