}  Brian Holmes's Problem method is based on the theory of Karl Popper of the British philosopher (born in Austria and based on John Dewey's stages of the reflective thinking of Karl Popper's critical dualism that "is said in a society two types of laws can be identified. "Normative" and "sociological
}  "Native law" includes "standards" commonly accepted and accepted by the people of a society.
}  Although standards are often accepted to remain, they may still be repudiated or exchanged by people. In principle, "man is free.
}  Remove the standards even though legal and other restrictions on their actions are set to change "Social standards" and can be changed "and these changes are" a source of social problems.
In addition to explaining what the 'Problem Strategy' is, and how it works. This text shows the possibilities and characteristics of the 'Problem Strategy' that recognizes the power of human free will about its impact on the efficiency of the rules
}  Definition
q   He commands that study learning should focus on learning a specific educational problem with the aim of studying it in a series of facts.
q  He states that the study of comparative education should be predictive.
q  He believes that the test of a good theory is his predictive use. He says that a historical approach to education cannot be used to predict what will happen in the future.
q History shows present problems, but "understanding" comes from a successful prophecy rather than discovering the foremost reason.
q  The structure is based on a certain interpretation of the ideas of John Dewey (stages of reflective thinking) and Karl Poppe
q   According to John Dewey, the idea of reflective thinking is to solve the confused situation. A number of reflective processes take place between the pre-reflective situation Popper (Critical Dualism)
q  These reflective processes show a hypothetically deductive method. In this way, a solution is proposed first before factors are collected.
