Role of teacher in curriculum development

The teacher has become the center of attention in the modern world because of its unique social obligations. Every day there is no clearer nation that can stand or prosper without the proper caliber of the teachers. Teachers are national builders, because most members of a particular society will go to their hands. It can be said that at any level of development a country passes, it is partly a true reflection of the caliber of the teachers. Not surprisingly, developing and developed countries in the world are constantly researching ways to make the right amount of the right quality teachers able to maintain the ethics of the profession.
There is no curriculum that is perfect, a finished product that is released to the rock or is free from criticism, but to be effective, teachers should accept it and should consider it education of parents and the community. The development of the curriculum should be seen as a process which meets the needs of the students leading to improvement in student learning. Moreover, it cannot be stopped. The curriculum should be a living document that will continue to function. It should be adaptable to changes in the education and social community in general. Only then is it an effective change agent in the education process.
In the early part of the work, the role of classroom teachers is clearly set in the center and the emphasis is placed on the teaching. The departure of teachers to an additional role in the development of the curriculum reflects the general assumptions about women and teachers' responsibilities in the first half of the 20th century. Exams of teacher preparation programs offered at that time and job description by contemporary teachers provide further evidence of limited assumptions. The need for teacher participation in curriculum development is to organize content and materials. Also, the participation of teachers in curriculum committees at all levels, in part because they believe that such participation will help teachers to tailor content to the needs of the student.
Teachers play their part for every step of the curriculum development process. The responsibilities of teachers today are wider than the past. Their role is important in contributing to a whole series of economic, social and cultural problems, often with reasons beyond the size of the school. Their responsibilities can be found with key development indices that imitate the classroom and larger communities. These tasks are described differently by scientists as 'critical connections' and 'expanded professionals', 'major role-players', 'expert implementers' researchers, trainers and curriculum staff . However, it is instructive to show how and how the teacher may be involved in the development of the program. The model also identifies other inputs, processes and delivers program development variables and everything that will be implemented successfully.
Teacher training provides a platform for students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills and to develop positive attitudes, values ​​and beliefs. This can be done with the aid of the given curriculum. And the quality of the teacher that is created at an institution does not depend on the curriculum that is offered to them during their training period.  The teacher involved in the curriculum organization has many roles and responsibilities. Teachers want to enjoy teaching and observing their students to develop interests and skills in their area of ​​interest. The teacher may need to plan and take lessons in the context of the given curriculum because the teacher's responsibilities are to implement the curriculum to meet the needs of the student. Many studies support the empowerment of teachers through the participation of curriculum development. The level of teacher participation as the curriculum development center leads to the successful achievement of educational reforms. Therefore, the teacher is a key factor in the success of the development of the curriculum, including the steps of implication and evaluation and there is a need for curriculum development for teacher participation. Teachers can contribute by working together and working effectively with development teams and curriculum specialists to organize and develop soldiers, textbooks and content.
The teacher's participation in the curriculum development process is important to improve the content of the curriculum to the needs of the student in the classroom. Teachers know the needs of all teacher training teachers. Teachers can understand student psychology. Teachers are aware of teaching methods and educational techniques. Teachers also play as an evaluator for assessing learning outcomes. Teachers should therefore have a number of functions such as planners, designers, managers, assessors, researchers, policy makers and administrators.
