Social interaction and Social Relationship

The concept of social interaction is very important for the study of social and social relationships.
Interaction is the basic process of society. It represents dynamic elements in society. Social interaction contributes to the development of effective institutions that interfere with social problems, facilitates collective action and produces scale economies. Social interaction appears to fight the most influences on attitudes and behavior. People interact with each other to achieve their feeling and well-being and to develop many of the symbolic and advanced aspects of consumption.
When two or more people meet, they can move together in countless different ways. For example, a stranger can ask where the nearest hotel is and other people can provide the necessary information. The question in this case is the stimulus and the information provided is the answer. The answer can easily be a new stimulus and thus lead to additional responses and inter-stimulations. It is social interaction, possibly involving two or more personalities, groups or social systems of different influences. The interaction itself can only include one and the same person. Such self-interaction takes place when a person examines a particular idea or discusses the pros and cons of an important issue or decision about himself. Social interaction is therefore the way in which personalities, groups or social systems work together and have an effect on each other.
Sociologists often use the term social relationship as being synonymous with social interaction. Symbolic interaction is also used often, but this word means communicating through human communication. Social interaction has a large number of possible degrees. An extreme is done through intense interaction, while the other extreme consists of 'zero degree of social interaction' or complete separation. An abandoned child, for example, who has no contact with other people, is an isolated, unrelated social contact.
Social relations refer to routine, sustainable patterns of social interaction between individuals in society within the limits and influences of the social structure. The term "social relationship" raises two important questions: Who is the social relationship between the area about what social relationships answers to these questions lead us to the concept of social status and role.To understand the social organization of society, sociologists study social structures and the role of social events and processes. It involves the study of social interaction and relationships wider (macro) and micro level. Social interaction and relationships can be evaluated that take place between the society world-wide system, coupled out between two individuals. Here our focus is on social interaction and relationships in the lives of individuals.Individuals are the key elements of society; They make the building blocks; as in an important sense society is the product of the actions of individuals. we can say that the society is to promote a representation of the collective behavior of individual actors. It is the product of the decisions people make regarding when, how and with whom they are going to interact. However, people are social actors to act in a social setting; Their social interaction is influenced by the social environment and the existing social pattern. In other words, the individual actions are not random ones; they take place in a pattern of relationships.
