The philosophy & principles of Social Work

The rise of the Charity Organization Society (COS) in 1860 in England is regarded in most literature as the origin of social work. The COS was initiated with the main goal of coordinating charity work. Help was individualized through friendship visitors who visited people in need, usually the poor. The work of the COS was therefore the forerunner of the cases. However, this work was hampered by the conservative political ideology of that time. The definition of social work is exceedingly difficult and dynamic almost impossible to give a meaning everywhere. It is assessed in different ways by different individuals based on the understanding of different individuals in society. Social activity is a profession that is primarily concerned with stopping psychosocial problems and shortcomings that exist in the relationship between the individual and his social environment. This phenomenon always exists in one form or another in society, but the scientific basis has been reached in the last decades of the 19th century.
People of necessity, poverty and scarcity have helped in the past through individual families, caste communities, religious institutions motivated by religious philosophy of charity as a reward or medium for salvation, humility, advocacy, humanitarian, democratic ideology, equality from all peoples; attention to human personality; respecting the rights of others, including the poor, the disabled, the unemployed, the emotionally challenged and most people in need. Individual charity work and some voluntary organizations are named as social work over time. The most often seen misconception about social work is that people charity, limos and voluntarily considers social work, but it really is not social work, as it offers there is no permanent solution to human problems and one allows dealing with his problems himself. Social activity seeks to create a person who is independent and self-reliant. It tries to detect accidental factors behind the problem and strive to solve them in science.
The basic philosophy, which is good for the professional ethics of social work related to the following principles:
·         A belief in the value and dignity of human beings;
·         Respect people;
·         Self-direction;
·         Accepting and appreciating the ideas and belief system of the people;
·         To work in partnership with people, who do not work for them;
·         Commitment to human dignity; and
·         Respect and understanding the uniqueness of each person and the value of the client system. The main value is that they work social work agencies, but working on their client system.
