The intrinsic
motivation is defined as doing an activity because of its natural pleasure
rather than some separable consequences. When intrinsically motivated, a person
is encouraged to act for pleasure or the challenge it brings, rather than
external stimuli, pressure or reward. The phenomenon of true motivation was
first identified in experimental animal behavior studies, which found that many
organisms engaged in exploration, playful and curious behavior, without
reinforcement or reward.
motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or pleasure in
the work itself, and exists within the individual rather than relying on
external pressure or desire for reward.
for example -
playing guitar, even without listening.
The intrinsic
motivation can arise from self-centered factors that influence the behavior of
people. This is not done by external stimuli. It can take the form of
motivation by work itself when people feel that their work is important,
interesting and challenging and they have a reasonable degree of autonomy
(freedom of movement), opportunities to achieve and develop and possibility for
use and development, their abilities and capabilities. Deci and Ryan (1985)
said that true motivation is based on the need for self-determination and
The intrinsic
motivation is defined operation in various ways, although there are two
measures that are often used. The basic experimental research is based on a
standard of conduct of true motivation, called the '' free choice 'measure.
The intrinsic
motivation is done for reasons of inner self. It is for self satisfaction and
not for fear of a result. The reward is in action itself and does not require
external factors to guide the behavior.
The intrinsic
motivation was first studied by animal behavior and then transferred to the study
of human behavior .A person draws perspective on skills by acting towards a
previous interest. It's also important to note that not everyone is
intrinsically motivated for each task and also external motivation is required.
Intrinsically motivated behavior also feeds on the psychological needs of a
person, such as ability or self-esteem.
motivation leads to high quality work, meets challenges and strives for
excellence. Perhaps the attachment to the result leads to the process or
Extrinsic motivation refers to when the motivation is
external or comes from outside. A person performs an action because it leads to
a result except the person (Ryan and Deci, 2000).
eg - gives child money for every A + he receives.
Extrinsic motivation occurs when things are done or
for people to motivate them. These include rewards such as incentives,
increased salaries, praise or promotions; and sanctions, such as disciplinary
measures, payment restrictions or reproof. Extrinsic motivators can have
immediate and powerful effects, but do not have to last long. The intrinsic
motivators, who occupy themselves with 'quality of working life' (an expression
and movement that arises from this concept), probably have a deeper and longer
effect because they are inherent in individuals and their work and not imposed
externally in such stimuli .
Extrinsic motivation comes from external factors and
actions are done because of what is being said. This means that if we are told
to do something, we do it because of extrinsic motivation. . Extrinsic
motivation is the desire to do or achieve something that is not for the
satisfaction of the object itself, but in this way leads to a certain result.
Extrinsic motivation has a different reward than
feelings from within. An excellent example for students at school is that
students work hard all year round to obtain the grades that they receive. The
figures are the external rewards that the students are motivated by.
Extrinsic motivation is a construction that includes
every time an activity is done to achieve some separable results. Extrinsic
motivation is therefore a difference in intrinsic motivation, which refers to
making an activity only for the enjoyment of the activity itself, rather than
its significant value.
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any suggestion on my side