Concept of knowledge

The Chamber of dictionary tells the question of what knowledge is

(i) as a reality of knowing,
(ii) information or what is known;
(iii) the sum of what can be learned or discovered.
Knowledge is usually referred to as a belief that is true and reasonable. The philosopher Plato clearly described the knowledge as "rational real faith." On the other hand, knowledge is a familiar, aware of a person or something, such as facts, information, descriptions or abilities, acquired through experiences or education by observation, discovery or discovery education. In comparing knowledge and wisdom, knowledge is the accumulation of facts and information and wisdom is the development of knowledge and experiences of the vision that deepens the understanding of the relationships and meaning of life. Education is really a way to discover new things we do not know and to increase our knowledge. That is why it is important to provide an effective learning experience by creating a productive curriculum. In the development of the curriculum, all the foundations (philosophical, psychological and sociological foundations) of curriculum development should be adapted to learners and societies. Teachers, curriculum developers and teachers should promote philosophies considered necessary for planning, implementing and reviewing a school curriculum.
The first definition in the above list states that knowledge is a "conscious or known gain through experience (of a person, fact or thing)". This definition follows the tradition of philosophers of the school that is referred to as empiricists. They believe that knowledge can only be obtained through experience. Knowledge processing is one of the most important contributing factors for socio-economic sustainability. It is therefore important to study obstacles that are slow or even prevent growth, communication and use of knowledge. This treatise presupposes that the differences in the interpretation of some elementary epistemological, ontological concepts essentially help in ambiguities and other obstacles to knowledge processing. Examples of such misunderstandings are presented and a mitigation approach discussed. Interaction between computer-controlled media and people such as the rise of open source knowledge and the participating web reveal new ports for multidisciplinary exchange and knowledge applications.
Moreover, it is also knowledge of assured faith, which is known, information, education, explanation, study, practical skills and acquaintances. Consider all of the above that are worth knowing. The term widely used by teachers, educators and policymakers is a concept of knowledge and refers to the whole of information taught by teachers and students, expected to learn about a subject or a content area such as English, art, mathematics, science or social studies. The concept of knowledge generally refers to facts, concepts, theories and principles that are taught and learned rather than dealing with skills such as reading, writing or research that the student also learns in academic courses.
