Foundation of Education

There are some important educational foundations: Ontological (related to the nature of
knowledge), Epistemic (related to the theory of knowledge) and Axiological (related to values).
Of these three, the epistemic basis is the most basic. As you know, epistemic knowledge of knowledge means knowledge that demonstrates the reality and realization of the value of the facilities. Knowledge can refer to a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. It may be explicit or explicit; It may be more or more formal or systematic. Information and knowledge grows faster than ever before earlier in the history of mankind. 'More than ever, the vastness of human knowledge makes education impossible; On the other hand, the goal of education is better understood as helping students develop intellectual instruments and learning strategies needed to acquire knowledge that enables people to think fruitfully. Another important point to note is that philosophy implies the same process of wisdom seeking and wisdom itself. This wisdom is nothing but the theoretical and practical knowledge of the problems of life and the universe derived from the systematic, critical and universe and beyond, and the quest for the same purpose of life.
Anthropological Foundation
Anthropology is the science of people and culture. It includes physical anthropology that studies people as biological organisms and anthropology in cultural or social anthropology that focus on behavioral behavior and behavioral products
Philosophical Foundation                                                            
The philosophy is determined by different scholars from different perspectives. It started from the time that the entire Greek landscape was full of beauty. Philosophy, according to Greek thinkers, is nothing but an attempt to bring a constant, explaining the various facts around us.
Philosophy helps education to understand man, in his life, in his actions, goals and problems. It helps the educator to develop beliefs, arguments, assumptions and judgments about learning and teaching, subjects and skills, desirably graduating and developing appropriate learning methods. Philosophy means viewing a whole question without limitation or convenience, viewing goals and goals. The philosophy of education must therefore consider the contradictory views on life and education. By philosophy that broadens one's perspective. Modern philosophy of education has developed the development of critical thinking and reason. It is a rational perspective that takes into account the whole problem before it draws conclusions.
Moral Foundation
Divine revelation is always the foundation and point of the Christian ethical reference, while the philosophical discipline of morality depends on the authority of reason. Moral education is always a long-term goal of education. The function of schools is supposed to be, not just to make people smart, but to make them better. In industrialization, however, the moral goal of education has fallen into the background, because the demand for capitalist markets is mainly focused on providing skilled manpower, culture ready to be absorbed into labor markets.
Historical Foundation
People are prudent and above all successful because of their ability to learn from their experiences and pass their wisdom into future generations. Most studies and conversations happen spontaneously, without planning or structure. Throughout the ages, as human society has become more complex and more organized, communities have taken intentions of several schemes such as apprenticeships, schools and other educational institutions to help their members develop self- conscious and functional skills required to survive and to blossom. The history of organized education and training can be seen as a long struggle to expand opportunities for more people to develop and to learn to help people be better ways than through daily events life. Institutions for education and training revolve around activities designed to help people learn productively, individually or in groups, in the classroom or away. Schools, colleges, business training centers and other educational institutions offer many types of facilities to facilitate learning.
The history of education is very important for a professional teacher. We have found that research is largely related to past events and educational development. However, this should not be seen separately. This is because the past is closely connected to the present and to other influences in the future. When you study the past, you will be able to understand the educational process and how it has changed to date. In this way the present is not only clear but also helps to mitigate the future. Remember that the educational arena is broad. These include philosophical, sociological, comparative, administrative, curriculum and other issues. Each of these may have historical dimensions. It is intended that this module will help you to understand the history of education in particular and professional education in general. It is about the historical development of education that has influenced the development of education in the Philippines.
