OSS development

OSSdevelopment holds a number of annexes best practices functionality of closed-source development centralized management, code ownership, task ownership, planning and strategy, system testing, leadership and decision-making, but these different activities are carried out. Onion model, sustainable community consisting of a small number of core developers and more and contribute more developers, bug reporters, and users.
"Onion" extract to a subsequent panel of types of members. This is the most standard model of a supportable society. Individual making supportable community through their involvement, by process and making the admirable role. As they have in the direction of the core, users become bug reporters and will, over time, contribute to the developer. Some developers will finally contribute joined the small group of core developers. Each type members have some responsibility evolution of systems, related systems overall quality. Advancement by class members rewards and recognition capabilities and performance of each member. The onion model has three main features:
1.     The core team should be small. Just like the implementation of key parts of the coding activity, the core team will carry out checks on core system to maintain the high level of modularity. They include only high-quality code, determine and follow the roadmap project and maintaining a rapid, iterative release cycle.
2.     Furnish the developers to add and maintain features. The ability to easily new features depending on code modularity. Contributor developers tend to choose places described in the roadmap project or to "scratch an itch."
3.     Bug reporters proprietary system testing and bug reporting. Core or developers will contribute little to do these activities.
A sustainable community is bound to attract volunteer programmers. There has been much research on what motivates the volunteer community; OSS managers have a strong sense of area. High compatible reduces code complexity and lets newcomers furnish around without impacting the core system, modularity alone is not a programmer to attract project. It described how small component size from good design and resulted in low defect density and high user gratification and promote maintenance and evolution. It would be useful focus for further research in the open source applications developed in other programming languages. The aspect of the project management plays an important role in the development of high-quality software. This includes creating an effective environment and culture; some believe to be as important as the design of the system. OSS development actively encouraging innovation and creativity, creating a more people-oriented process then dominated traditional development through these methods, tools and techniques. In OSS projects, with advanced process instrument support improve integrated development and debugging. OSS development does not clearly follow the structured testing methods, but it can develop high-quality software. Such as project management, happens software testing; only it's done if not.
