Centrality of Ethics to Leadership

Ethics is the center of leadership because of the nature of the relationship between leaders and followers. Leaders influence followers - this means that they influence the lives of negative or positive followers. The nature of influence depends on the personality and behavior of leaders (especially the nature and outcome of behavior). Leaders have more power - interpersonal and / or formal hierarchical power - and therefore have greater responsibility regarding their impact on their followers. Leaders have influenced followers in pursuit and success of common goals. In such a situation, leaders should respect and treat their followers with dignity. In other words, leaders should treat their followers as individuals with unique identities. Finally, leaders have helped to develop and establish organizational standards. Their own values ​​determine what kind of ethical climate will develop in their organizations.
 The centrality of leadership ethics of leadership is the center of leadership because of the nature of the relationship between leaders and followers. Leaders influence followers - this means that they influence the lives of negative or positive followers. The nature of influence depends on the personality and behavior of leaders (especially the nature and outcome of behavior). Leaders have more power - interpersonal and / or formal hierarchical power - and therefore have greater responsibility regarding their impact on their followers. Leaders have influenced followers in pursuit and success of common goals. In such a situation, leaders should respect and treat their followers with dignity. In other words, leaders should treat their followers as individuals with unique identities. Finally, leaders have helped to develop and establish organizational standards. Their own values ​​determine what kind of ethical climate will develop in their organizations.
