Why to use observation in Educational Research?

  Observation allows the researcher to study people in their 'natural setting' without their behaviour being influenced by the presence of a researcher.
   Observation is more than simply noticing something. 
  Observational data usually consists of detailed information about particular groups or situations. This kind of data can 'fill out' and provide a deeper, richer, understanding than survey work which tends to produce less detailed information about a larger number of people.
  Some methods only allow for the study of one individual at a time. Observation enables the research to study groups of people together, that is, it allows for the study of interaction between the members of a group.
  Observation offers researchers ways to assess the ineffable expressions of emotions, determine who they interact with, understand how participants talk to each other, and check how much time is spent on different activities.
  Can help the researcher to better understand the context and the phenomenon in study.
  The effectiveness is stronger in the use of additional strategies used in observation, such as interviews, document studies or surveys, questionnaires or other more methods.
  The researchers collect direct primary data or first-hand information for his or her studies for a more accurate description and interpretation.
  The observer is actively involved in the activities of the group being followed.
