EXPLORING AFRICA (Comprehension)

Just before dark I took up my lodging for the night at a small village, where I procured some victuals for myself, and some corn for my horse, at the moderate price of a button, and was told that I should see the River Niger early next day. 

The lions here are very numerous; the gates are shut a little after sunset, and nobody allowed to go out. The thought of seeing the Niger in the morning, and the troublesome buzzing of mosquitoes, prevented me from shutting my eyes during the night; and I had saddled my horse and was in readiness before daylight; but on account of the wild beasts I was obliged to wait until the people were stirring, and the gates opened. This happened to be a market- day at Sego, and the roads were everywhere filled with people carrying different articles to sell. I passed four large villages, and at eight o'clock saw the smoke over Sego.

As I approached the town, I saw with infinite pleasure the object of my mission-the long-sought-for majestic Niger, glittering in the morning sun and flowing slowly to the eastward. I hastened to the brink, and, having drunk of the water, I lifted up my fervent thanks in prayer to the Great Ruler of all things.         (Travels in Africa-Mungo Park)

1. Where did the writer take up his lodging for the night?

Ans: The writer took up his lodging for the night at a small village.

2. What did he give his horse to eat?

Ans: He gave his horse some corn to eat.

3. What was he told he would see early the next day?

Ans: He was told that he would see the River Niger early next day.

4. What animals were numerous near the place where the writer lodged?

Ans: Lions were numerous near the place where the writer lodged.

5. At what time of day were the gates of the village shut?

Ans: The gates of the village were shut a little after sunset.

6. Name two things which prevented the writer from sleeping that night.

Ans: Two things that prevented the writer from sleeping that night were the thought of seeing the Niger in the morning and the troublesome buzzing of mosquitoes.

7. When was the writer ready to continue his journey?

Ans: The writer was ready to continue his journey before daylight.

8. Why did he have to delay his departure?

Ans: He had to delay his departure because of the presence of wild beasts (lions) outside the village.

9. What did the people who thronged the roads carry?

Ans: The people who thronged the roads were carrying different articles to sell.

 10. What did the writer do when he saw the river?

Ans: When the writer saw the river, he hastened to the brink, drank its water, and lifted up his fervent thanks in prayer to the Great Ruler of all things.

