Alphabet’s cloud unit misses on sales updates from October 24

Alphabet Inc.'s cloud computing unit, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), missed on sales expectations in the third quarter of 2023, according to a Reuters report. GCP revenue came in at $26.3 billion, below analyst estimates of $26.9 billion.

The miss is the first for GCP in more than a year, and it comes at a time when the cloud computing market is growing rapidly. Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, the two leading cloud providers, both posted strong revenue growth in the third quarter.

Analysts attributed the miss to a number of factors, including a slowdown in growth in the retail sector and increased competition from AWS and Azure. They also noted that Google is still investing heavily in GCP, and that this investment is weighing on profitability.

Despite the miss, GCP remains a key growth driver for Alphabet. The company expects GCP revenue to reach $100 billion by 2025.

UK unemployment rises to 4.2%

The UK unemployment rate rose to 4.2% in the three months to August 2023, up from 3.8% in the previous quarter, according to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The increase in unemployment was driven by a fall in employment among men and the self-employed. Economic inactivity, which includes people who are unemployed and not seeking work, also increased.

The ONS said that the increase in unemployment was likely due to a number of factors, including the ongoing cost of living crisis and the war in Ukraine.

The rise in unemployment is a blow to the UK economy, which is already struggling with high inflation and slow growth. The Bank of England is expected to raise interest rates further in an effort to combat inflation, but this could lead to even higher unemployment in the coming months.

Other news updates from October 24

·         US stocks fall sharply as recession fears mount. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 2.5%, the S&P 500 index fell 3%, and the Nasdaq Composite index fell 3.5%. The sell-off was sparked by concerns about a potential recession in the US.

·         Chinese yuan falls to record low against US dollar. The yuan fell to a record low of 7.3 against the US dollar, as the Chinese economy slows and the dollar strengthens.

·         EU leaders agree on new sanctions against Russia. EU leaders agreed on a new package of sanctions against Russia, including a ban on most Russian oil imports. The sanctions are aimed at putting further pressure on Russia to end its war in Ukraine.


The news updates from October 24 suggest that the global economy is facing a number of challenges, including rising inflation, slowing growth, and the war in Ukraine. These challenges are likely to have a significant impact on businesses and consumers around the world.

The miss by Alphabet's cloud unit is a sign that the cloud computing market is becoming more competitive. AWS and Azure are the two leading cloud providers, and they are both investing heavily in new products and services. Google will need to continue to invest in GCP and differentiate itself from its competitors in order to maintain its growth.

The rise in unemployment in the UK is a sign that the economy is slowing. The cost of living crisis and the war in Ukraine are both weighing on the UK economy. The Bank of England is expected to raise interest rates further in an effort to combat inflation, but this could lead to even higher unemployment in the coming months.

The global economy is facing a number of challenges, and it is important for businesses and consumers to be prepared for a more difficult economic environment in the coming months.

How businesses and consumers can prepare for a more difficult economic environment

Businesses and consumers can take a number of steps to prepare for a more difficult economic environment.


·         Reduce costs. Businesses should look for ways to reduce costs without sacrificing quality or customer service. This could include measures such as negotiating lower prices with suppliers, reducing inventory levels, or streamlining operations.

·         Diversify revenue streams. Businesses should try to diversify their revenue streams by selling new products and services, or entering new markets. This will help to reduce the impact of a downturn in one particular sector or market.

·         Invest in technology. Businesses can use technology to improve efficiency and productivity. This can help to reduce costs and boost profits.

·         Build relationships with customers and suppliers. Strong relationships with customers and suppliers can help businesses to weather a difficult economic environment. Businesses should focus on providing excellent customer service and maintaining good relationships with their suppliers.


·         Create a budget. Consumers should create a budget and track their spending. This will help them to identify areas where they can cut back.

·         Pay off debt. Consumers should try to pay off debt as quickly as possible. This will reduce their monthly expenses and make them more financially resilient.

·         Build an emergency fund. Consumers should aim to build an emergency fund of at least three to six months of living expenses. This will give them a financial cushion to fall back on in case of job loss or other unexpected expenses.

·         Shop around for deals. Consumers should shop around for the best deals on goods and services. They should also consider buying in bulk or using coupons to save money.

By taking these steps, businesses and consumers can prepare for a more difficult economic environment and minimize the impact on their finances.

Tips for businesses

·         Communicate with employees. Businesses should keep employees informed about the economic environment and how it is impacting the company. This will help to reduce uncertainty and build trust.

·         Focus on core competencies. Businesses should focus on their core competencies and outsource non-essential tasks. This will help them to be more efficient and productive.

·         Be innovative. Businesses should look for new ways to innovate and differentiate themselves from their competitors. This could include developing new products and services, or entering new markets.

Tips for consumers

·         Avoid impulse purchases. Consumers should avoid impulse purchases and only buy what they need. They should also avoid taking on new debt, unless it is absolutely necessary.

·         Invest in yourself. Consumers should invest in their skills and education. This will make them more competitive in the job market and help them to earn a higher income.

·         Give back to the community. Consumers can give back to the community by supporting local businesses and charities. This can help to create a stronger and more resilient economy.

By following these tips, businesses and consumers can weather a difficult economic environment and emerge stronger on the other side.
