Analogue is Making a 4K Nintendo 64


Analogue is a company known for making high-quality retro gaming consoles. Their previous consoles, such as the Super Nt and Mega Sg, have been praised for their accuracy and attention to detail. Now, Analogue is turning their attention to the Nintendo 64 with their upcoming console, the Analogue 3D.

What is the Analogue 3D?

The Analogue 3D is a 4K Nintendo 64 console that is designed to be the most accurate and feature-rich way to play N64 games. It will feature a custom FPGA chip that recreates the N64's hardware perfectly, resulting in zero input lag and perfect compatibility with all N64 games.

The Analogue 3D will also feature a number of other features that make it the ultimate N64 console, including:

·         4K output: The Analogue 3D can output N64 games in up to 4K resolution, providing a significant visual upgrade over the original console.

·         Wireless controllers: The Analogue 3D will support wireless N64 controllers, making it more convenient and comfortable to play.

·         Original display modes: The Analogue 3D will feature a number of original display modes that recreate the look of classic CRT monitors.

·         Save states: The Analogue 3D will support save states, allowing players to save their progress in any game at any time.

Why is the Analogue 3D so exciting?

The Analogue 3D is an exciting console for a number of reasons. First, it is the most accurate way to play N64 games. The FPGA chip ensures that games will run exactly as they did on the original console, with no input lag or compatibility issues. Second, the Analogue 3D offers a number of features that make it the ultimate N64 console, such as 4K output, wireless controllers, and original display modes. Third, the Analogue 3D is a high-quality product. Analogue is known for making well-built and durable consoles, and the Analogue 3D is no exception.

Who should buy the Analogue 3D?

The Analogue 3D is the perfect console for anyone who wants to experience the best possible way to play N64 games. This includes retro gamers, collectors, and anyone who simply wants to enjoy their favorite N64 games in the highest possible quality.

Pricing and availability

The Analogue 3D is expected to be released in 2024. Pricing has not yet been announced.

In-depth analysis

The Analogue 3D is a significant improvement over the original Nintendo 64 in a number of ways.


The Analogue 3D uses a custom FPGA chip that recreates the N64's hardware perfectly. This results in zero input lag and perfect compatibility with all N64 games.

Visual quality

The Analogue 3D can output N64 games in up to 4K resolution, providing a significant visual upgrade over the original console. The Analogue 3D also features a number of original display modes that recreate the look of classic CRT monitors.


The Analogue 3D features a number of features that were not available on the original N64, such as wireless controllers and save states.

Build quality

The Analogue 3D is a well-built and durable console. It is made from high-quality materials and feels solid in the hand.


The Analogue 3D is the most accurate and feature-rich way to play N64 games. It is the perfect console for retro gamers, collectors, and anyone who simply wants to enjoy their favorite N64 games in the highest possible quality.

Why is the Analogue 3D so important?

The Analogue 3D is important for a number of reasons. First, it is a way to preserve and celebrate the Nintendo 64 legacy. The N64 was a groundbreaking console that introduced many innovations to the video game industry, such as 3D graphics and analog control sticks. The Analogue 3D allows players to experience these classic games in the highest possible quality.

Second, the Analogue 3D is a way to promote retro gaming. Retro gaming is a growing hobby, and the Analogue 3D is one of the best consoles available for playing retro games. The Analogue 3D's accuracy, features, and build quality make it a must-have for any retro gamer.

Third, the Analogue 3D is a way to support game developers. The Analogue 3D is not a cheap console, but its high price tag is justified by the quality of the product. By supporting Analogue, you are supporting a company that is dedicated to preserving and celebrating video game history.


The Analogue 3D is the most exciting N64 console ever announced. It offers the most accurate way to play N64 games, as well as a number of features that make it the ultimate N64 console. If you are a fan of the N64, then the Analogue 3D is a must-have console.

The Analogue 3D is a significant console release for a number of reasons. It is the most accurate and feature-rich way to play N64 games, and it is a way to preserve and celebrate the Nintendo 64 legacy. The Analogue 3D is also a way to promote retro gaming and support game developers. If you are a fan of the Nintendo 64 or retro gaming in general, then the Analogue 3D is a must-have console.

In addition,  Analogue 3D is important because it represents a new direction for retro gaming. In the past, retro gaming has been largely focused on emulation. Emulation is a great way to play old games on new hardware, but it can be imperfect. Emulators can sometimes have compatibility issues, and they may not be able to perfectly recreate the experience of playing on the original hardware.

The Analogue 3D is different. It is not an emulator. Instead, it uses FPGA technology to recreate the N64's hardware perfectly. This means that N64 games will run exactly as they did on the original console, with no input lag or compatibility issues.

The Analogue 3D is a sign that the retro gaming community is moving away from emulation and towards more accurate and authentic ways to play old games. This is a good thing, as it means that we will be able to experience classic games in the way that they were meant to be played. The Analogue 3D is a great example of how new technology can be used to preserve and celebrate video game history.
