Investment in gaming start-ups nosedives amid tax worry, rising competition

Investment in gaming start-ups has nosedived in recent years, amid heightened competition and uncertainty over tax issues. In India, for example, investments in the gaming sector have plunged by 77% over the past year, from $423.2 million in 2022 to $94.2 million in 2023. The number of funding rounds has also decreased from 32 in 2019 to 15 in 2023, a 53% drop, according to data from Traxcn.

There are several factors contributing to this decline in investment. One is the increasing saturation of the gaming market. In recent years, there has been a surge in new games and companies entering the space, leading to intense competition. This has made it more difficult for start-ups to stand out and attract investors.

Another factor is the uncertainty over tax regulations. In many countries, there is still no clear regulatory framework for the gaming industry, which can make it difficult for investors to assess the risks involved. In India, for example, the government has been considering levying a 28% tax on online gaming, which has led to concerns among investors.

In addition to these specific factors, the global economic climate is also playing a role in the decline of investment in gaming start-ups. The current economic uncertainty is making investors more cautious and less likely to invest heavily in any one industry.

Despite the challenges, there are still some areas of the gaming industry that are attracting investor interest. Esports, for example, remains a thriving segment, with a growing fan base. Investors are also interested in gaming start-ups that are developing new technologies, such as blockchain and NFTs.

Impact on the gaming industry

The decline in investment in gaming start-ups is having a significant impact on the gaming industry. It is making it more difficult for new companies to enter the market and innovate. It is also leading to a consolidation of the industry, as larger companies acquire smaller ones.

The decline in investment is also having a negative impact on job creation in the gaming industry. Start-ups are typically the biggest drivers of job growth in any industry, and the gaming industry is no exception. The decline in investment is making it more difficult for start-ups to hire new employees.

What can be done to boost investment in gaming start-ups?

There are a number of things that can be done to boost investment in gaming start-ups. One is to create a clear and supportive regulatory framework for the gaming industry. This would give investors more confidence and make it easier for them to assess the risks involved. Another important step is to invest in education and training programs for the gaming industry. This would help to create a pool of skilled workers that start-ups can tap into. Finally, governments can also provide financial incentives to encourage investment in gaming start-ups. This could include tax breaks or grants.

Additional insights

In addition to the factors discussed above, there are a few other reasons why investment in gaming start-ups may be declining.

·         The rise of mobile gaming:

 Mobile gaming has become increasingly popular in recent years, and this has led to a shift in investment towards mobile game developers.

·         The increasing cost of game development: 

The cost of developing AAA video games has increased significantly in recent years. This has made it more difficult for start-ups to compete with larger, more established companies.

·         The changing landscape of gaming:

 The gaming industry is constantly evolving, and new trends are emerging all the time. This can make it difficult for investors to identify which start-ups are most likely to be successful in the long term.

Despite the challenges, there are still some reasons to be optimistic about the future of gaming start-ups. The gaming industry is still growing rapidly, and there is a growing demand for new and innovative games. Additionally, the rise of new technologies, such as blockchain and NFTs, is creating new opportunities for start-ups.

Here are some specific steps that governments and the gaming industry can take to boost investment in gaming start-ups:

·         Governments:

    o    Create a clear and supportive regulatory framework for the gaming industry.

    o    Invest in education and training programs for the gaming industry.

    o    Provide financial incentives to encourage investment in gaming start-ups.


The decline in investment in gaming start-ups is a concerning trend. It is making it more difficult for new companies to enter the market and innovate. It is also leading to a consolidation of the industry and job losses. Governments and the gaming industry need to work together to create a more supportive environment for start-ups. This would help to boost investment, innovation, and job creation.
